

The overarching mission of Namaste at FIU Indian Faculty and Staff Association is to foster a supportive and inclusive community, celebrate the rich and vibrant Indian culture, and to promote professional development and networking opportunities among faculty and staff.


The purpose of Namaste at FIU is to:

  1. Facilitate convening and community engagement among faculty and staff of Indian descent, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and mutual support.
  2. Offer professional development resources, workshops, and mentorship opportunities to enhance the skills and career advancement of group members.
  3. Engage in service initiatives and community outreach projects that contribute positively to both the university and the broader Indian community, fostering a culture of giving back and social responsibility.


  1. Hosting regular networking events, social gatherings, and cultural celebrations to foster community-building and connection among members.
  2. Organizing professional development workshops, seminars, and guest speaker events focused on topics relevant to career advancement, leadership development, and cultural competence.
  3. Collaborating with other affinity groups, university departments, and external organizations to co-host events and promote cross-cultural understanding.
  4. Participating in university-wide initiatives, such as discussion forums, awareness campaigns, and recruitment efforts to support the university's commitment to equity and inclusion.
  5. Engaging in community service projects, volunteer opportunities, and charitable fundraisers to give back to the local community and support causes relevant to the Indian diaspora.
  6. Providing resources, support, and mentorship for new faculty and staff members of Indian descent to aid in their transition and integration into the university community.


  1. Express Interest: Interested faculty and staff members can express their interest in joining the affinity group by contacting the group's leadership team or designated point of contact. All FIU faculty/staff are welcomed.
  2. Attend Meetings and Events: Attend group meetings, networking events, social gatherings, and other activities organized by the affinity group to get acquainted with current members and learn more about the group's mission, goals, and activities.
  3. Complete Membership Form: Complete a membership form, which may include basic information such as name, contact details, department affiliation, and any areas of interest or expertise relevant to the group's focus.
  4. Participate and Engage: Actively participate in group activities, contribute ideas, and engage with fellow members to enrich the community and help achieve the group's objectives.
  5. Stay Informed: Stay informed about upcoming events, meetings, and opportunities for involvement by regularly checking group communications channels, such as email newsletters, social media platforms, or the group's website.
  6. Support Group Initiatives: Support the group's initiatives, service projects, and efforts aimed at promoting inclusion and professional development within the university community and beyond. Help in the promotion of events and dissemination of information an university resources.
  • Eligibility

    Eligibility to become a member of Namaste at FIU is open to anyone from the FIU community who shares an interest in the group's mission and goals, regardless of their ethnic background. The group welcomes participation from:

    • Faculty: All faculty members, including tenured, tenure-track, adjunct, and visiting faculty, from any academic department or discipline at FIU.
    • Staff: All staff members, including administrative, managerial, and support staff, employed in various roles and departments across the university.
  • Rights


    • Access to Networking Opportunities: Members can connect with fellow faculty, staff, students, and alumni who share a common interest in supporting the group's mission and goals.
    • Professional Development Resources: Members have access to workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs aimed at enhancing their skills, knowledge, and career advancement opportunities.
    • Cultural Celebrations and Events: Members can participate in cultural celebrations, social gatherings, and events organized by the group to celebrate Indian culture and heritage.
    • Service Initiatives: Members have the opportunity to engage in meaningful service projects and community outreach efforts that contribute positively to both the university and the broader Indian community.
    • Leadership Opportunities: Members may have the chance to take on leadership roles within the group, such as serving on committees, organizing events, or representing the group in university-wide initiatives.


    • Active Participation: Members are encouraged to actively participate in group activities, attend meetings, and contribute to the group's initiatives and projects.
    • Respect for Diversity: Members are expected to respect the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of fellow group members and promote an inclusive and supportive environment within the group.
    • Adherence to Group Guidelines: Members should adhere to any guidelines, policies, or codes of conduct established by the group's leadership team to ensure the smooth functioning of the group and the achievement of its objectives.
    • Financial Contributions (if applicable): Members may be required to pay membership dues or contribute financially to support the group's activities, events, and initiatives, as determined by the group's leadership team.


    • Voting Rights: Registered members may have the opportunity to vote on important decisions, such as electing leaders, approving budgets, or determining the direction of the group's activities.
    • Access to Resources: Members may have access to resources, materials, and information relevant to the group's focus areas, including professional development resources, networking opportunities, and cultural programming.
    • Recognition and Visibility: Members may receive recognition and visibility within the university community for their contributions to the group's initiatives and projects, enhancing their professional reputation and networks.
    • Community Engagement: Members can engage with the wider FIU community and represent the group's interests in university-wide forums, committees, and initiatives, contributing to a more inclusive and diverse campus environment.

Become a member today!

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