The Department of Access, Compliance, and Equal Opportunity (ACE) serves as steward of federal and state laws and regulations, and FIU policies and guidelines- monitoring and implementing these as applicable throughout University operations. ACE houses both the Office of Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility (CRCA) and the Office of Equal Opportunity (EO). 

Together, these offices oversee the University’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX, University Regulations FIU-105: Sexual Harassment (Title IX) & Sexual Misconduct, FIU-106: Nondiscrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Title VII), and the University policy on Reasonable Accommodations for Faculty, Staff, Employment Candidates, and Visitors. ACE works collaboratively with all University internal and external constituents, particularly the Office of General Counsel and Office of the Provost. 


Civil Rights & Accessibility

The Office of Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility (CRCA) is responsible for ensuring that FIU maintains a workplace and learning environment free from discrimination, where current and prospective faculty, staff, and students are treated equitably. If any student, employee, or applicant has a sincere and reasonable belief that they have been discriminated against or harassed based on age, color, disability, marital status, ethnic or national origin, race, religion, retaliation, sex, or any other protected category, they can report their concerns to the CRCA team through

Equal Opportunity

The Office of Equal Opportunity (EO) leads the implementation of the University’s obligations as per federal and state requirements to ensure a safe, inclusive community for all students, faculty, and staff at all points of the Panther lifecycle. Fostering equal opportunity is crucial for cultivating innovation.

Learn more about EO

Learning Opportunities

ACE provides a range of learning opportunities on-demand. These opportunities can be self-paced or with an instructor, and even tailored to departmental training needs. 

Explore our learning opportunities

Religious Observances Calendar

FIU prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion and is committed to providing an educational, work, and living environment that is respectful and inclusive of religious observances, practices, and beliefs. As part of this commitment, FIU aims to provide reasonable religious accommodations where sincerely held religious observances or beliefs conflict with University policy or other requirements, unless such an accommodation would create an undue hardship.

The Office of Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility (CRCA) serves as a resource for FIU Students and Employees who are seeking a reasonable accommodation or modification due to their sincerely held religious observance, practice, or belief. Students and Employees should direct any religious accommodation requests directly to CRCA at (305) 348-2785 or

View the Religious Observances calendar here
